Transaction Management
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
…all business functions (Business Processes) are examined and compared with best practise. If the performance of the business function is low, external services are considered for outsourcing.
- Business Process transition (BPO)
- Business Partner- Management (Governance)
- External options (Competitive Bidding)
- Migration (Business Transformation)
IT- Outsourcing (ITO)
…META provides prooven Sourcing alternatives for IT systems and - services.
- IT- procurement (IT- Outsourcing)
- Applications Management
- Application Hosting
- Full Outsourcing
- Cloud Computing
- IT Standards
- Service Level Management (Benchmarking)
Offshore Sourcing
…significant cost savings can be achieved by using offshore service providers. Financial evaluations help in estimating the benefits and weaknesses with offshore sourcing:
- Production transfer (Offshore)
- Audits
- Business Value Management
- Target Costing